Archive for February, 2014

The TBPG met today in their work group committees.  The meetings start early this AM, Matthew Cowan of TAPG and Henry Wise of AIPG-Texas attended two of the committee meetings.  The major highlight was at the General Issues committee.  On their agenda was the consideration of possible action regarding licensure of environmental professionals.  Details regarding this was very sketchy before the meeting.  At the meeting the Representatives of TAPG and AIPG-Texas spoke clearly against any such move that would allow those not qualified by education, experience or exam to practice geoscience.  The issue was actually about those who hold a CAPM doing work that would require a PG.  The intent was to establish a work group to talk to the TCEQ with regard to the CAPM program and practice of geoscience and NOT licensing environmental professionals to do some sort of geoscience work.  The Board ended up taking no action.